Manufacturing Location for Honeywell Products has been changed

In order to comply with European Commission requirements for the acquisition of Sigma-Aldrich by Merck KGaA, Sigma-Aldrich has divested a part of its business to Honeywell. The divestment consists of multiple steps:
- As first part of this divestment, Sigma-Aldrich sold the Seelze, Germany manufacturing site to Honeywell where many Sigma-Aldrich solvents and inorganics were manufactured, along with the legal entity which owned the Seelze site (called Sigma-Aldrich Laborchemikalien GmbH).
- Second, Sigma-Aldrich sold the Fluka brand name and a portion of the Fluka product portfolio (certain solvents and inorganics only) to Honeywell.
- Finally, Sigma-Aldrich sold to Honeywell certain solvents and inorganics which are sold in the European Economic Area (EEA) under the Sigma-Aldrich brand. Solvents and inorganics outside of the European Economic Area will be available under existing Honeywell brands.
Honeywell has now formally changed the name of Sigma-Aldrich Laborchemikalien GmbH to Honeywell Laborchemikalien GmbH as already announced previously.
Because some of the divested solvents and inorganics were manufactured outside of the Seelze, Germany facility, Honeywell is now in the process of planning the transfer of the manufacture, packaging and testing/release of such products to Seelze, Germany or Honeywell’s Muskegon site in the United States.
We have included a list of your affected products below for your convenience.
27225 - Acetic Acid 100% puriss
4107 - Phosphoric acid
4243 - Potassium phosphate monobasic
4273 - Sodium Phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate
7102 - Hydrochloric acid 37%
The changes described above will become effective on a rolling basis with the first changes expected no earlier than 3-2 weeks from now and the last changes expected prior to the end of 2016.
Honeywell is a global leader committed to providing the best products for all areas of research. The integration of the divested Sigma-Aldrich products described above broadens Honeywell’s research chemical portfolio of solvents and inorganics/organics, and will give you a single source for all your needs.