Roche Biochemical Reagents are available now in İnterlab

Dear Friend of İnterlab and Sigma Aldrich,
We would like to inform you about an announcement which published on the 1st of July.
" Roche announces global distribution agreement for its Biochemical Reagents product portfolio with Sigma-Aldrich.
Sigma-Aldrich’s supply chain and eCommerce strength will allow broader availability and accessibility of products to customers.* "
Roche's « Biochemical Reagents » have been added to İnterlab's present product portfolio in addition to Sigma Aldrich products which was being offered by İnterlab to our valuable business partners and customers.
The distribution agreement between Roche and Sigma Aldrich came into force on 01.07.2015 . We look forward to recieve your valuable orders.
We wish contunuity of your efficient cooperation.
With OurBest Regards,
İnterlab A.Ş.